Anna Torv and Amy Smart
Amy Lysle Smart was born 26th March 1976, on the 26th of March, 1976 in Topanga California United States. Amy is most famous for the stage name Amy Smart. Amy is born of American heritage and belongs to the zodiac Aries. As of now Amy's age is 48, and she sits at 5 feet five inches (1.68 m). Amy is the name of a Christian. Similar to John Boden Smart and Judy Lysle Carrington are their names. Amy Smart was raised in the same family, where her mother worked as curator at a museum, and her father worked as a salesperson. Her childhood was shared with Adam Smart. Amy wanted to become as talented as she could as an infant. As a child of working parents, Amy became accustomed with loneliness. However, it allowed her to develop into an artist of distinction. In addition, she started dancing to cope with the loneliness that she experienced, and helped her overcome stage fright. Amy appears to be a woman with a good education. The exact location of her school is not known. Her dedication...